Focus: Hengda Group ranks among the top 10 local real estate companies in Henan Province in terms of sales performance from January to March 2023


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Recently, China Index Academy released the "TOP 15 Sales Performance Rankings of Local Real Estate Enterprises in Henan Province from January to March 2023". Hengda Group ranked 6th in sales area and 9th in sales amount among the local real estate enterprises in Henan Province from January to March 2023.

TOP 15 Sales Performance Rankings

of Local Real Estate Enterprises in Henan Province from January to March 2023


Hengda Group has undergone 31 years of development. Over the past 31 years, Hengda Group's real estate development area has been continuously expanded, its corporate management structure has been continuously optimized, various work processes have been continuously standardized, product quality has been continuously improved, and its brand influence has been continuously enhanced. The company has been widely recognized by governments at all levels and all walks of life. In the future, Hengda Group will continue to work hard and keep enhancing Hengda's brand image with high-quality projects and services.


On AGood news: Hengda Group ranks among the top 200 Chinese real estate companies in terms of sales performance from January to March 2023
NextGood news: Hengda Group Youth League Committee won three honors awarded by the Municipal Youth League Committee



Over the past 28 years, our Group has developed King of  North, Jinhui plaza , NAPA Xidi ……

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    No.266 Bayi Road ,Xuchang City, Henan Province of China