Hengda Group Conducts 2023 Mid-Year Work Meeting


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On the afternoon of July 8th, Hengda Group held its 2023 mid-year work meeting. The gathering was attended by key figures including founder Li Dongfa, Chairman Li Xiaobing, President Wang Zhenfeng, and over 50 mid-to-high-level managers from the group and its various subsidiaries. 


During the session, Executive President of Real Estate Zhang Hao presented a report on the group’s performance in terms of key operating indicators for the first half of the year. 


Following this, President Wang Zhenfeng provided a detailed plan for the group’s main operating objectives for the second half of the year.


In his concluding remarks, founder Li Dongfa delivered a significant speech. He began by commending the group for its accomplishments in the first half of the year. He then outlined several key directives for the upcoming months: 1.Prioritizing Sales Efforts: The group will place a strong emphasis on sales, offering enhanced incentives and allocating additional resources, including personnel, finances, and materials, to support the sales team. It was stressed that the team must take on greater responsibility and ensure the fulfillment of the annual targets. 2.Upholding Focus and Discipline: All employees are expected to maintain a high level of focus and seriousness in their work, avoiding complacency and carelessness. They are urged to dedicate themselves fully to their tasks. 3. Fostering a Strong Sense of Responsibility: There is a need to reinforce responsibility and eliminate behaviors such as passing the buck or avoiding accountability. Those who fail to meet their responsibilities will face strict consequences. 4. Building Confidence and Enhancing Quality: Employees should be confident and uphold the esteemed traditions of Hengda. They are encouraged to continuously improve product quality and service standards, thereby safeguarding the reputation of the Hengda brand. With a confident outlook, Li Dongfa expressed his belief that if all employees unite in their efforts and work diligently, they will undoubtedly achieve the 2023 goals.

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